miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018

Water Contamination

Water pollution in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has the most contaminated river in Central America.
Guacalillo Beach, Tarcoles Beach and Blue Beach located in Puntarenas in the Central Pacific of Costa Rica show the evidence every day of what is happening in Costa Rica when it comes to river contamination; the Tarcoles river mouth brings to these beaches all the trash that it carries straight from San Jose.

It’s been determined in studies run by public universities that the river is used as a city sewer, creating the water pollution in Costa Rica. This also affects the beaches and ocean species in the surrounding areas.
In the Guacalillo region, MINAE explains that the garbage will be weighed, separated and recycled. They have a project with people in the community who get some benefit with the trash. Plastic bottles are easier to recycle.
Some personal objectives are:

  • The next time we order take-out, we'll ask you to wrap up alternatives or bring Tupperware
  • No more drinking straws
  • And avoid using lighters

We know that this requires more work and is inconvenient at times, but after seeing the problem of water pollution in Costa Rica, we realized that we had to modify our habits.
Some recycling campaigns have been positive for the beaches since they help pick up trash

How to avoid water pollution?

  • Discard the waste in the correct way. Never pour anything that is not biodegradable in the drain.
  • Use less chemicals to clean your home. It's a simple change that makes a big difference.
  • Do not throw medicines into the drain. Medicines contain a variety of substances that can be harmful to the water supply.

 Recycling Campaigns



martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

Contamination of Costa Rica

Air pollution in Costa Rica

The pollution in Costa Rica’s capital city, San José, is a threat to Costa Ricans health, a study by the Laboratorio de Análisis de Calidad de la Universidad Nacional (UNA) – National University´s Quality Analysis Laboratory has mentioned.
In San José, people are breathing harmful elements such as sulfates, chlorides, nitrates, nickel, copper, vanadium and aluminum.
Asthma and bronchitis are just two of the illnesses that can originate from air pollution. According to the World Health Organization, “air pollution is a major environmental risk to health. By reducing air pollution levels, countries can reduce the burden of disease from stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and both chronic and acute respiratory diseases, including asthma”
The main air-quality pollutant in the country are those generated by car emissions; which can generally lead to allergies, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory affections.

How can we help to avoid the air pollution?

  • Limit driving by carpooling.
  • Using public transportation, biking and walking.
  • Keep your automobile well tuned and maintained.
  • Use electric or hand-powered lawn care equipment.
  • Be careful not to spill gasoline when filling up your car or gasoline powered lawn and garden equipment.
  • Choose environmentally friendly cleaners.
  • Seal containers of household cleaners, workshop chemicals and solvents, and garden chemicals to prevent volatile organic compounds from evaporating into the air.

Smoke from a car

Smoke from a factory



Natural Resources

natural resource is anything that people can use which comes from the natural environment.
Examples of natural resources are:
  • Air
Air is the Earth's atmosphere. Air around us is a mixture of many gases and dust particles. It is the clear gas in which living things live and breathe. It has an indefinite shape and volume. It has no color or smell. It has mass and weight, because it is matter. The weight of air creates atmospheric pressure. There is no air in outer space.
  • Water
Water is the most common liquid on Earth. It covers about 71.4% of the Earth. Pure water has no smell, taste, or color.
  • Wood

Wood is the main substance in trees. Wood is used to make buildings and furniture, and also for art. It is also used for making fires and heating. Paper is made from wood fibers.

  • Wind
Wind energy is the conversion of the energy in wind into a more useful form of energy, like electricity. Helps to cut down on the pollution of earth's air.


  • https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_resource
  • https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air
  • https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water
  • https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood
  • https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_power